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Search Keyword lobbying
Total 6 results found. Search for [ lobbying ] with Google

Results 1 - 6 of 6
... that "if current trends continue, the health sector is likely to spend more than a half-billion dollars on lobbying in 2009". Yes, that would be $500 million - almost $1.4 million PER DAY on health s...
Saturday, 12 December 2009

2. Hypocrisy And Health Care
(Blog/Professional Issues)
...s, it gets more and more ludicrous day by day. Fear is the word of the day when it comes to the high stakes lobbying going on. Unfortunately, that same lobbying has nothing to do with your care, and l...
Sunday, 16 August 2009

...the list goes on. The one thing that all of these industries have in common is a hefty budget for political lobbying and lobbyists.   Let's face it - money and power tend to go hand i...
Wednesday, 27 May 2009

4. Direct Access To Physical Therapy
(Blog/Professional Issues)
... stop letting this fallacy be proposed to the public, the legislature, and the media. The primary parties lobbying against this type of legislation are typically physicians and chiropractors, and i...
Sunday, 22 February 2009

5. Direct Talk - About Direct Access
(Blog/Professional Issues)
...control a lot of things that we probably don't want to believe they control. They are territorial for their lobbying group - and, again, this has nothing to do with the patient and what is best for th...
Friday, 15 June 2007

6. The Politics Of Self Care
(Blog/Self Care)
...t; doesn't pay. Yes, you heard that correctly. As in all political arenas, we're faced with hidden agendas, lobbying power, and good old dollars and cents. It sounds to me like the politics of self ca...
Wednesday, 25 April 2007

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